Zwiren Title Agency, Inc

The Dark Side of Generative A.I.

07.03.23 04:59 PM Comment(s) By Emily

The Dark Side of Generative A.I.

Generative AI, also known as generative adversarial networks (GANs), is a powerful tool that uses artificial intelligence technology and machine learning to create text, images and even videos that appear remarkably authentic. For example, the platform ChatGPT is an AI powered Chatbot that responds to text input and generates responses accordingly. The platform Dall-E is a platform that generates images in multiple styles based on a text description. While this technology holds immense potential for positive applications, there is a growing concern about its potential misuse in the wrong hands. When it comes to cybersecurity for businesses and individuals alike, it is important to be aware of the potential threats. Generative AI, if used by malicious actors, can pose an additional threat to both businesses and individuals. In this article, we explore the dark side of generative AI and the ways it could potentially be used maliciously.


1. Phishing Attacks: Generative AI can be employed to generate highly convincing phishing emails or messages. These messages could mimic the writing style and tone of trusted colleagues, clients, or even executives, making it challenging to detect them as fraudulent. For example, the AI could be used to generate convincing fake emails or websites that appear to be from a legitimate and trusted parties, but are actually designed to spread malware, steal personal information, or steal login credentials.


2. Deepfake Threat: One of the most alarming misuses of generative AI is the creation of deepfake content. Deepfakes are highly realistic manipulated videos or audios that can deceive viewers into believing false information or witnessing events that never occurred. Malicious actors could create deepfake audio clips or videos of politicians, business leaders, public figures, or any random person to damage reputations, spread false narratives, or manipulate public opinion. This poses a significant threat to individuals, organizations, and society at large.


3. Content Generation and Plagiarism: Generative AI models can produce human-like text, making it easier for malicious actors to create large volumes of content quickly. This can lead to an influx of plagiarized articles, blog posts, or social media content, negatively impacting original content creators and diluting the quality of information available online. Business professionals who rely on such content may unknowingly promote stolen intellectual property or expose themselves to legal liabilities.


4. Fake Reviews and Testimonials: Online reviews and testimonials play a crucial role in shaping consumers' perceptions and influencing their purchasing decisions. Generative AI can be used to generate large volumes of fake positive reviews or testimonials, artificially boosting the reputation of a product or service. Those who rely on such reviews may make ill-informed decisions, leading to wasted resources or partnerships with untrustworthy entities.


5. Social Engineering and Identity Theft: Generative AI can assist in creating highly believable fake identities, social media profiles, or online personas. Malicious actors may use these fabricated identities for social engineering attacks, tricking unsuspecting business professionals into sharing sensitive information or granting unauthorized access. Any individual could find it challenging to distinguish between genuine and fake identities, putting their businesses at risk.


Since real estate transactions are a high-value target for scammers, it is crucial to be aware of phishing emails. Many people, when examining an email to determine its legitimacy, look for incorrect grammar or misspelled words; However, if  scammers use Generative A.I. to write their phishing emails, it is possible there will be fewer obvious grammatical errors within the emails. While this can make identifying a phishing email more difficult, it is important to remember what to look for to signify a phishing email.


1. Lack of personalization: While Generative AI can be trained to create personalized content, such as using a recipient’s name or other personal/transaction details, it may not always do so. If an email appears to be a generic message that could have been sent to anyone, it could be a sign that is a phishing email.


2. Inconsistent Language or Unusual Sentence Structure: Because Generative AI models are trained on large datasets of text, they may generate text that is inconsistent or incoherent. If an email appears to switch between different tones or uses language that is grammatically incorrect, or otherwise inconsistent, it could be a sign that it is a phishing email. Generative AI Models may also produce sentences with unusual structures or patterns that are typically not used in email correspondence. For example, an AI generated phishing email might use overly complex sentence structures or include multiple clauses that are not logically related. Since many scammers don’t have a good grasp on the English language, they may not realize the inconsistencies, complexities or grammatical errors within the text that the AI generated. 


3. Suspicious attachments or links: As with regular phishing emails, AI Generated emails may include suspicious links or attachments that can be used to spread malware or steal personal information or login credentials. If an email includes an attachment or link that you were not expecting or seems suspicious, it is important to exercise caution and verify its authenticity before opening or clicking.


4. Unknown or Unclear Sender: As with regular phishing emails, it remains crucial to check who is sending the email. When the sender is unknown, not part of the transaction they are discussing, or if it is unclear who the sender actually is, it is likely that the email is a phishing email.


There is no foolproof way to determine whether an email is legitimate or not; however, being aware of the indicators can help individuals become more vigilant and protect against potential threats. Overall, when evaluating the legitimacy of an email, it is important to exercise critical thinking skills and consider all of the above factors to determine its authenticity. Furthermore, when in doubt of the legitimacy of an email, it never hurts to get the sender on the phone, using a trusted phone number, to confirm whether they sent the email in question.


Generative AI is still in such an early stage of development and there has been rumors of Generative AI companies implementing regulations for their platforms to monitor and prevent malicious use of the AI. While Generative AI presents both an immense potential for positive transformation, it can also be exploited by those with ill intentions. By staying informed, implementing robust security measures, and promoting cyber awareness within your organization, you can mitigate the risks associated with AI generated phishing emails and keep the real estate transactions secure. 


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