Zwiren Title Agency, Inc

Cyber Wire Fraud

Blog tagged as Cyber Wire Fraud

Spoofed emails are more challenging to spot because the messages look like they are actually coming from a known, trusted party. In real estate transactions, scammers will use transaction specific information gained from studying prior emails, to craft spoofed emails that are difficult to identify.
12.19.22 03:55 PM - Comment(s)
Wire Fraud continues to plague the real estate industry regardless of the numerous news articles published warning buyers and the educational materials advising professionals to establish preventative measures. Here are some real stories of people who became victims of real estate wire fraud.
09.30.22 05:04 PM - Comment(s)

7 Victim Stories detailing how cybercriminals have defrauded real estate transactions. 

    Many cases of real estate wire fraud go unreported in the media and to the FBI. However, the FBI Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) reproted 11,300 victims in 2018 leading to $149 m...

01.03.20 02:26 PM - Comment(s)